Creating, altering and dropping a database - Charter 2

To create the database graphically
1. Right Click on Databases folder in the Object explorer
2. Select New Database
3. In the New Database dialog box, enter the Database name and click OK.

1.-Creating a database

To Create the database using a query
Create database DatabaseName

We can choose edit  to add some data or choose a 100 row to see what we created

we choose to start from scratch and delete the previous command when we choose new query


We will use the insert statement to insert some data!

Inset into Customer
values ('Sammy','Sosa',45);

if we found any red mark we will run intellisense on edit tab we will run it 

we can see it's created

We can choose to run the whole statement or the highlighted this case we will run the last two

Here is the results

Now you know how to Inser some data in your tables in SQL  !


Whether, you create a database graphically using the designer or, using a query, the following 2 files gets generated.
.MDF file - Data File (Contains actual data)
.LDF file - Transaction Log file (Used to recover the database)

Creating, altering and dropping a database - Charter 2 Creating, altering and dropping a database   - Charter 2 Reviewed by ohhhvictor on 6:22 PM Rating: 5

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